Brand diagnostic, positioning, strategy and brand pillars
Brand counsel during the development of the vidual identity and platform. Internal alignment of the brand promise. Definition of corporate brand system components
“Cohesion’s expertise helped us define and expand our brand promise. Working together, we launched a process to rejuvenate our visual image. This strategic exercise helped position Pratt & Whitney Canada more effectively in a highly competitive market.”
A more competitive era in aerospace
Over the years, Pratt & Whitney Canada has gained an enviable reputation for smaller aircraft engines, thanks in part to the PT6 which consistently outperforms, in even the most extreme conditions. However, increased global competition has caused the overall brand to lose some of its lustre. It was not living up to its potential and needed to evolve. Cohesion’s task was to provide a significant positioning upgrade while remaining within strict corporate brand parameters.
A well-earned reputation for dependability
After a full diagnostic of analysis and interviews, the key insight emerged. There were two major lines of revenue, manufacturing and servicing, yet the long-established theme of “dependable engines” referred only to the former. The solution was to apply this notion of “dependable” to more than just engines. In future it would also define the reliability factor of people, service, response, delivery, maintenance and repairs.
Rekindling the legend to advance the brand
Working with Sid Lee’s design capabilities, the legendary eagle was enhanced and incorporated into true case stories in which Pratt & Whitney Canada helped to push the operational envelope, demonstrating prowess and eliciting professional pride. This positioning of across-the-board dependability was propagated into all aspects of brand culture and communications.