Creation of a new mass-market yogurt: positioning and strategy, naming, brand architecture, product portfolio
“Within the yogurt universe, product portfolios are traditionally presented as individual brands, endorsed by the company. We had the chance to launch a range under a single master brand and to instill in it values and a promise which act as a symbol of quality and commitment, thereby assuring the brand immediate stature and impact. I congratulate the work of Cohesion in developing the iögo name and brand architecture.”
A critical situation
Canadian yogurt-maker Ultima Foods was faced with revised franchise terms from Sodima, French owner of the Yoplait brand. Ultima had the people, the know-how, the plant, the milk quotas and the endorsement from Canadian dairy farmers but would be left with no branded business and no recipes.
Commitment from Agropur
With the full confidence of its parent milk cooperative, Agropur, Ultima began planning an alternative strategy. This involved developing an original brand from scratch, including new name, product portfolio, positioning and packaging, together with a complete sales and marketing approach.
Cohesion as brand strategist
Working with the marketing and innovation groups at Ultima, as well as communications, design and research teams, Cohesion took a key role in the brand planning, brand architecture and naming process. After a comprehensive brand and trend analysis, a unique rapid innovation planning process allowed feedback from consumers to be evaluated in real time by the full strategic team. As a result, Cohesion generated the master brand iögo and a strong positioning, instrumental in the successful brand launch.
Research : Ad Hoc
Visual identity : Ideograma
Packaging : Bo Branding
Communications : DentsuBos